The statistics of a website are one of the main parameters for its success. Usually what every user of various statistics programs looks at is the number of visitors, how many pages each of them viewed and from which website they arrived. However many might ignore one of the most important ones, the bounce rate. the BOUNCE RATE was added to google's algorithm recently and it is important to pay attention to it.

 What exactly is the Bounce Rate?

The bounce rate is the statistic that shows the percentage of visitors to a website that abandoned it immediately. We use this metric to understand how to assess the quality of our website based on what our visitors are searching for. Generally, a high abandonment rate means that your visitors didn't find what they were looking for. We can reduce the abandonment rate by adjusting the keywords we promote for our pages.

 What does the bounce rate depend on?

Some of the most popular reasons that a site may have a high bounce rate are the following:

  • The main reason is to promote the wrong words, the words we promote must be proportional to the information our website has. E.g. if the site deals with garden tools we do not promote the word tools, which has multiple meanings because then when a user searches for building tools and enters the site he will immediately leave it.
  • Our page is slow to load and this results in users abandoning it.
  • The internal links of our page do not work or there are no internal links at all (internal linking).
  • We do not invite users to browse the rest of your site. For example there is a lack of menus, related articles/products, top articles/products and so on.
  • The design of our page does not look professional and gives the feeling of an amateur page.

 How do we reduce the bounce rate?

By adjusting the keywords we promote, trying to be fine in google only with keywords that we know those searching will find enough information on our site.