Okay, so you may be new to web page design and want to learn some tips on the proper placement of raised foot. Here are just a few tips to help you on your way. Web design is not just about the "look" of your site. There are some other very important factors that should be taken into consideration.

Web designer tip number 1 - What is the website about?

So many websites are not obvious what they are so people won't stick around to find out. You have about 4 to 5 seconds to get the attention of visitors. That means they are going to want to know they are on the right website and from where they are going to be able to get what they want easily. If your a business consultant, that you are a business consultant - so many companies use dialect or "business speak", which is confusing and ultimately ends up with the client going somewhere else. How many times have you seen a website and thought "yeah, what do they do?"

Web designer tip number 2 - Find out how other people are doing it

Take a look around at the competitors in the area you are trying to produce. Not only will it give you an insight as to the quality and style of the competitor, but it will give you some good insights into how other people are dealing with getting relevant information out. What colours, designs, styles, menu shapes etc have been used.

Web designer tip number 3 - Draw a sitemap

It may seem simple, but knowing which pages are linked to where and how the navigation will work is very important. Try to make sure the options aren't hidden and that your site is easy to get around without confusion. Can the user get back to the beginning without hitting the "back" button?

Web designer tip number 4 - Page size - loading time

Make sure your optimized images. Make sure they are 72dpi and try to make all images on the page add up to less than 80kb. Increasing the image size increases your page load times.

Web designer tip number 5 - Browsers

Your website may look different in Internet Explorer as opposed to Safari or Firefox, be sure to check old browsers as well as new ones. Many users may not be updating their computers and you want your site to look good in all of them.

Hopefully these should help you in your start as a website designer. Most importantly, have fun!